
GET api/AlarmPush/GetAlarmPushSubscriptions

Get all alarm push subscriptions.

GET api/AlarmPush/GetAlarmPushSubscription?id={id}

Get an alarm push subscription.

PUT api/AlarmPush/UpdateAlarmPushSubscription

Update an alarm push subscription.

DELETE api/AlarmPush/DeleteAlarmPushSubscription?id={id}

Delete a alarm push subscription.

POST api/AlarmPush/CreateAlarmPushSubscription

Create an alarm push subscription.

GET api/AlarmPush/GetAlarmDefinitions

Get alarm definitions that is accessible by the user's Usergroup.


Used to get a list of sensor data records from a specific tracker unit. Unless otherwise noted, each endpoint is limited: 10/second, up to 600/minute

GET api/SensorData/Get?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get misc. sensor data from a unit

GET api/SensorData?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get misc. sensor data from a unit

GET api/SensorData/GetById?SensorDataId={SensorDataId}&SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Get a specific sensorData from a unit.

GET api/SensorData/S1CInputLoadData?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get S1C Input/Load data

GET api/SensorData/IOData?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get I/O data from devices that support it.

GET api/SensorData/GetLatest?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get latest sensor data from a unit. As opposed to other requests on SensorData, this request will include the highest humidity value from any humidity tags attached to the unit.

GET api/SensorData/AllSince?AfterDate={AfterDate}&GroupId={GroupId}&Count={Count}

Get position and sensordata since specified date. Limit: Once per minute. Sensordata obtained with this method, will not contain unit counter values, such as TotalPowerOnTimerGPS, TotalPowerOnTimerGSM, TotalOnTimerMotion, etc.

GET api/SensorData/GetSensorTagData?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}

Get sensor data from external sensor tags Limit: Once per minute

GET api/SensorData/Units?Since={Since}

Returns all serialnumbers in your usergroup and all groups under your group, that has sensordata dated after a specific date Limit: Once per minute

GET api/SensorData/AccelerometerHistogramData?serialNumber={serialNumber}&beforeDate={beforeDate}&afterDate={afterDate}&zeroOffsetDate={zeroOffsetDate}

Get categorized accelerometer data from device, expressed as sample counts in specific acceleration ranges.

GET api/SensorData/AccelerometerToolDamageData?serialNumber={serialNumber}&beforeDate={beforeDate}&afterDate={afterDate}&zeroOffsetDate={zeroOffsetDate}

Get tool damage calculations based on categorized accelerometer data from device (Requires special permission).

Used to search in all your units based on search parameters

GET api/Search/Units?SearchPhrase={SearchPhrase}&UserGroupId={UserGroupId}&MaxDepth={MaxDepth}&TypeFilter={TypeFilter}&StateFilter={StateFilter}&Sort={Sort}&SortDescending={SortDescending}&Page={Page}&PageSize={PageSize}

Returns all trackers matching the specified search parameters


GET api/Alarm/UnitAlarms?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get list of alarm subscriptions on a unit.

POST api/Alarm/UnitAlarms?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Update list of alarm subscriptions on a unit.


Used to get group data

GET api/Groups?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns your group and all its children

GET api/Groups/Get?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns your group and all its children

GET api/Groups?id={id}&includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns the group and all its children

GET api/Groups/Get?id={id}&includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns the group and all its children

GET api/Groups/{id}?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns the group and all its children

PUT api/Groups/Put

Create or update group name and/or parent id.

DELETE api/Groups/Delete?id={id}

Delete a group, if all subgroups and units have been removed/moved.

GET api/Groups/Hierarchy?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns your group and all its children in a hierarchy structure

GET api/Groups/Hierarchy?id={id}&includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns the group and all its children in a hierarchy structure

GET api/Groups/{id}/Hierarchy?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}&maxDepth={maxDepth}

Returns the group and all its children in a hierarchy structure

GET api/Groups/GroupCurrentSensorData?id={id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Groups/{id}/GroupCurrentSensorData

No documentation available.

GET api/Groups/GetStatus?id={id}&includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}

Returns Additional information about the group

GET api/Groups/{id}/Status?includeUnitSerials={includeUnitSerials}

Returns Additional information about the group


Used to get a list of GeoLocation positions from a specific tracker unit Unless otherwise noted, each endpoint is limited: 10/second, up to 600/minute

GET api/Positions/GetById?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&PositionId={PositionId}

Get a specific position for a unit.

GET api/Positions/GetAllLatest?groupId={groupId}

Get latest position from all your units. Response includes units and their latest known position within last 30 days. If a unit does not yet have a known position OR the latest known position is older than 30 days, that unit is not included in the response

GET api/Positions/GetLatest?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get latest position(s) from a unit.

GET api/Positions/AllSince?AfterDate={AfterDate}&GroupId={GroupId}&Count={Count}

Get position and sensordata since specified date. Limit: Once per minute Sensordata obtained with this method, will not contain unit counter values, such as TotalPowerOnTimerGPS, TotalPowerOnTimerGSM, TotalOnTimerMotion, etc.

GET api/Positions/Units?Since={Since}

Returns all serialnumbers in your usergroup and all groups under your group, that has positions dated after a specific date Limit: Once per minute

GET api/Positions/Get?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get positions from a unit

GET api/Positions?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}

Get positions from a unit


Used to handle unit attachments. Request as multipart/formdata, and files must be attached to body as image/[imagetype] (ie. image/jpg)

POST api/Attachment/PostImage?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Upload image

GET api/Attachment/GetUnitAttachments?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Get a list of attachments to a specified unit

DELETE api/Attachment/DeleteImage?serialNumber={serialNumber}&attachmentId={attachmentId}

Delete an image (attachment)

GET api/Attachment/GetImage?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&AttachmentId={AttachmentId}

Get image filestream


Used to get utilization data

GET api/Utilization/GetUnit?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}&ActivityFilter={ActivityFilter}&SeparateByDay={SeparateByDay}

Get a list of utilization activities for specified unit

GET api/Utilization/GetUnitInUseMinutes?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}

Get the total number of minutes in use for a specific unit

GET api/Utilization/Get?UserGroupId={UserGroupId}&MaxDepth={MaxDepth}&AfterDate={AfterDate}&BeforeDate={BeforeDate}&Count={Count}&SortDescending={SortDescending}&ActivityFilter={ActivityFilter}&SeparateByDay={SeparateByDay}

Get utilization data for all your units, optionally filtered on group Limit: Once pr minute

GET api/Utilization/GetAvailableModes?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Get a list of available utilization modes for a unit

GET api/Utilization/GetCurrentMode?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Get the current utilization mode and current utilization settings of specified unit

GET api/Utilization/GetCurrentModes?GroupId={GroupId}

Get the current utilization mode and current utilization settings of units in specificed group's hierachi.

GET api/Utilization/AvailableUtilizationProfiles?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get a list of available utilization profiles for a unit

GET api/Utilization/CurrentUtilizationProfile?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get the current utilization profile of the specified unit

POST api/Utilization/CurrentUtilizationProfile?serialNumber={serialNumber}&profileId={profileId}

Set the current utilization profile of the specified unit

PUT api/Utilization/PutCurrentMode?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}

Change utilization mode for specified unit, using supplied settings

GET api/Utilization/Units?Since={Since}

Returns all serialnumbers in your usergroup and all groups under your group, that has utilization data dated after a specific date Limit: Once per minute

GET api/Utilization/Trips?SerialNumber={SerialNumber}&FromDate={FromDate}

Get motion based trips for specified unit


A geosite is a named location based on lat/long coordinates or, in some cases, a Google Place id, and can be used to track which units arrive or depart that location. The geosite is attached to a group in your hierarchy, and is available to units in that group only. There is an option to allow the geosite to be available to units in child groups as well. You can register which of your units should be tracked by that geosite. Each registered unit can optionally also register for alarms based on geosite information.

GET api/GeoSites?includeUnitInfo={includeUnitInfo}

Returns info for all geosites available to you.

GET api/GeoSites/{geoSiteId}?includeUnitInfo={includeUnitInfo}

Returns info for a given geosite

GET api/GeoSites/Group/{userGroupId}?includeUnitInfo={includeUnitInfo}

Returns info for all geosites available to the given group.

GET api/GeoSites/Unit/{serialNumber}?includeUnitInfo={includeUnitInfo}

Returns info for all geosites available to the given unit.

POST api/GeoSites/CreateFromLatLong

Creates a geosite from latitude, longitude and radius information.

POST api/GeoSites/CreateFromPlaceId

Creates a geosite from google places API place_id information.

PUT api/GeoSites/{geoSiteId}

Updates the geosite.

DELETE api/GeoSites/{geoSiteId}

Deletes the geosite.

PUT api/GeoSites/{geoSiteId}/UpdateUnitRegistrations

Updates unit registrations for the geosite.


Used to get and manipulate tracker unit information

PUT api/Units/PutMany

Updates a batch of units. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json

GET api/Units/RATStrategyModesAvailable?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get available RAT Strategy modes for unit

GET api/Units/PublicLink?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Gets the public link to a unit.

POST api/Units/PublicLink?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Create or update a public link to a unit.

DELETE api/Units/PublicLink?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Delete a public link to a unit, if any exists

POST api/Units/Publish?serialNumber={serialNumber}

[DEPRECATED] Use [POST]api/Units/PublicLink. Create or update a public link to a unit.

POST api/Units/BatteryReset?serialNumber={serialNumber}&batteryId={batteryId}

Perform unit battery reset.

GET api/Units/GetBatteryList?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get unit available batteries for battery replacement.

GET api/Units/MyUnits

Returns all units in your usergroup. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.

GET api/Units/GetAll?Skip={Skip}&Take={Take}

Returns all units in your usergroup and all groups under your group. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute. Limit: Result size limited to 1000 units.

GET api/Units/GetAllBLE?Skip={Skip}&Take={Take}

Returns info for all Bluetooth units in your usergroup and all groups under your group. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute. Limit: Result size limited to 1000 units.

GET api/Units/GetAllSerialnumbers?Since={Since}

Returns all serialnumbers in your usergroup and all groups under your group, including time of last modification

GET api/Units/Group?groupId={groupId}&Take={Take}&Skip={Skip}

Returns detailed information for all units from specified group

GET api/Units/GroupCurrentPosition?groupId={groupId}&Take={Take}&Skip={Skip}

Return all units from specified group, including unit current position if available

GET api/Units/Search?searchPhrase={searchPhrase}&count={count}

DEPRECATED - use ~/Search/Units endpoint. Returns units matching the specified searchphrase, including units in child groups. This search is slow, but returns a lot of information. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.

GET api/Units/Get?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Returns a specific unit

GET api/Units/CurrentState?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Returns a specific unit's current state

PUT api/Units/Terminate?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Terminates a specific unit. WARNING: This deactivates the unit's SIM card at the SIM provider and cannot be undone. The unit will not be able to be turned back on after this.

PUT api/Units/Hibernate?serialNumber={serialNumber}

This hibernates a specific tracker. WARNING: re-activation can take up to 14 days when re-activating via server request. The tracker can instead be re-activated instantly by applying magnet. Making this request for a tracker that is already in hibernation mode is a non-operation and will return 300(NotModified).

POST api/Units/Hibernate?serialNumber={serialNumber}

This hibernates a specific tracker. WARNING: re-activation can take up to 14 days when re-activating via server request. The tracker can instead be re-activated instantly by applying magnet. Making this request for a tracker that is already in hibernation mode is a non-operation and will return 300(NotModified).

POST api/Units/ReActivate?serialNumber={serialNumber}

This re-activates a hibernated tracker. WARNING: re-activation can take up to 14 days when making this request. The tracker can instead be re-activated instantly by applying magnet. Making this request for a tracker that is not in hibernation mode is a non-operation and will return 300(NotModified).

PUT api/Units/Put?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Updates a specific unit. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json

GET api/Units/UnitHashtags?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Get list of hashtags attached to unit

POST api/Units/AddUnitHashtags?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Add hashtags to unit

POST api/Units/DeleteUnitHashtags?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Delete hashtags from unit

PUT api/Units/SetFlightMode?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Order or cancel flight mode for unit

PUT api/Units/SetSIAAlarmStatus?serialNumber={serialNumber}&SIAEnabled={SIAEnabled}

Enable/disable SIA alarm service for unit. Requires a pre-existing SIA server defined for the account requesting this

POST api/Units/Private?serialNumber={serialNumber}

[DEPRECATED] Use [DELETE]api/Units/PublicLink. Delete a public link to a unit, if any exists


GET api/Push/Get

Get all PUSH subscriptions

GET api/Push/Get?id={id}

Get a specific PUSH subscription

GET api/Push/GetPushConfigurationSubscriptions

Get all PUSH configuration subscriptions

GET api/Push/GetPushConfigurationSubscription?id={id}

Get a specific PUSH configuration subscription

POST api/Push/Post

Create new PUSH subscription. Only one push subscription per group is allowed.

POST api/Push/ConfigurationSubscribe

Create new PUSH subscription for unit configurations. Only one push configuration subscription per group is allowed.

PUT api/Push/Put?id={id}

Update existing PUSH subscription

POST api/Push/UpdatePushConfigurationSubscription?id={id}

Update existing PUSH configuration subscription

DELETE api/Push/DeletePushConfigurationSubscription?id={id}

Delete PUSH configuration subscription

DELETE api/Push/Delete?id={id}

Delete PUSH subscription


Used to get and manipulate S1 unit information

GET api/S1Units/MyS1Units

Returns all units in your usergroup. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.

GET api/S1Units/GetAllS1?Skip={Skip}&Take={Take}

Returns all units in your usergroup and all groups under your group. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute. Limit: Result size limited to 1000 units.

GET api/S1Units/Group?groupId={groupId}

Returns all S1 units from specified group

GET api/S1Units/GroupCurrentPosition?groupId={groupId}

Returns all S1 units from specified group, including current position if available

GET api/S1Units/Get?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Returns a specific s1 unit

GET api/S1Units/CurrentState?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Returns a specific unit's current state

PUT api/S1Units/Put?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Updates a specific S1 unit. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json

GET api/S1Units/Search?searchPhrase={searchPhrase}&count={count}

DEPRECATED - use ~/Search/Units endpoint. Returns S1 units matching the specified searchphrase, including units in child groups. This search is slow, but returns a lot of information. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.

GET api/S1Units

Returns all units in your usergroup. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.

GET api/S1Units?Skip={Skip}&Take={Take}

Returns all units in your usergroup and all groups under your group. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute. Limit: Result size limited to 1000 units.

PUT api/S1Units?serialNumber={serialNumber}

Updates a specific S1 unit. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json

GET api/S1Units?searchPhrase={searchPhrase}&count={count}

DEPRECATED - use ~/Search/Units endpoint. Returns S1 units matching the specified searchphrase, including units in child groups. This search is slow, but returns a lot of information. Limit: This request can only be made 3 times per minute.


GET api/Rma/Get

Returns all open RMA cases

POST api/Rma/Withdraw?rmaId={rmaId}

Withdraws RMA Case

GET api/Rma

Returns all open RMA cases

POST api/Rma?rmaId={rmaId}

Withdraws RMA Case


GET api/User/Get

Get user information for current user

GET api/User/Get?login={login}

Get user information of a user

GET api/User/Get?userGroupId={userGroupId}

Get user information from group and all subgroups.

POST api/User/Delete?login={login}

Delete user account

PUT api/User/Put?login={login}

Updates a specific user. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json

POST api/User/Create

Create new user

POST api/User/ChangePermissions?login={login}

Change account permissions

POST api/User/Consent

No documentation available.

GET api/User

Get user information for current user

GET api/User?login={login}

Get user information of a user

GET api/User?userGroupId={userGroupId}

Get user information from group and all subgroups.

PUT api/User?login={login}

Updates a specific user. Remember to set Content-Type in header, ie: Content-Type: application/json